Christ Church Nursery School
30 East Lane Short Hills, NJ 07078
"Helping children embrace learning with curiosity, enthusiasm and confidence!"
The formal enrollment process begins in February, but registration is ongoing throughout the school year based on availability. Applications for enrollment can be downloaded from our website or are available at the Nursery School office. Class placement is limited based on best educational practices and schedule demands.
Enrollment applications are age specific and are available online. These applications can be dropped off or mailed to the school. First priority is given to supporting Church Members, followed by currently registered students, siblings/alumni and current Drop In students. Registration is then open to the public.
Visitors are welcome at the school to see the exciting learning centers offered to the children each day. Please call the Nursery School office at 973-379-6549 x1 for additional details.
At Christ Church Nursery School, we understand that parents are a child's FIRST teacher so a strong parent/child/school connection is one of our main goals. Clear and consistent school policies and open communication assist us in meeting this goal!
Important forms are updated, annually, and available here for your convenience. It is essential that contact information and allergy and medical information be keep up-to-date.
Registration Information and Forms 24-25
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We believe that young children are eager to learn and they learn best through exploration and appropriate hands-on learning experiences. We offer a wide variety of activities that contribute to the physical, social, emotional, cognitive and communicative development of the child. Our days are busy as we learn about ourselves and the world around us.
Children are eligible for entrance into most of our classes based on an October 1st cut-off. This cut-off follows the Millburn Public School entrance date into kindergarten and is used so that peers can move together into kindergarten.
Children who attain the appropriate age beyond October 1st, but up to October 31st may be eligible. We do feel strongly that it is a benefit to children to honor the October 1st cutoff. It is not our practice to rush children or to place them
inappropriately, but we do recognize that there are sometimes exceptions to the October 1st cutoff. Please note: Future placement will be determined by the classroom teacher and the director for anyone missing the October 1st cutoff. Availability of a second year within the same age group is not guaranteed.
A drastic increase in nut allergies and severe reactions has directed us to strive for a NUT-FREE environment. We do not serve or use nut products in our school. Since our children are so young, we do think that the safest approach is to avoid bringing nut or nut products into our school. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation on this important issue. PLEASE DO NOT BRING NUT PRODUCTS INTO OUR SCHOOL! You must notify us immediately if your child develops a food allergy. Allergy kits will be created and will include all required medication and the necessary paperwork.