Christ Church Nursery School
30 East Lane Short Hills, NJ 07078
"Helping children embrace learning with curiosity, enthusiasm and confidence!"
All of our Nursery School classes are offered special Music classes by our certified music teacher who visits weekly. Classes are held in the CCNS all-purpose room or classrooms and are full of songs, musical instruments, movement and lots of fun!
In addition to music, our Preschool and Pre-K children work weekly with our gardener. Our Physical Education Teacher also comes in weekly to meet with the Pre-K classes. During Gym class children work to develop their gross motor and coordination skills as they work together in group games and sports.
Our Pre-K and K Classes visit our school Library, monthly, to hear a special story and borrow a school book to share with their families. The goal of our Library class is to foster a love of books and reading from day one!
Chapel is another special activity offered to our Preschool and Pre-K classes. Chapel is held monthly and directed by the Christ Church Rector or Assistant Rector. The Rectors also visit the classrooms monthly for a special story time using our children’s Bible. This special time offers the children the opportunity to learn about the love that God and Jesus has for all of us through Bible stories and songs.